Iranian animated movie ‘Junk Girl’ directed by Shalale Kheiri and Mohammad Zare has grabbed an award for Best Social Short Film at Solidando Film Festival 2016 in Italy.
The 16-minute short animation recently received the third prize of the best social short film at the Italian event.
‘Junk Girl’ is about a doll girl made of junk, which is mistreated by everyone and forced to leave her city. The flick’s story is inspired from a poem from Tim Burton’s book ‘The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories’.
The first prize of the festival went to ‘The Learning Alliance’ directed by Muhammad Umar Saeed from Pakistan while Thanos Psichogios from Greece won the second prize for ‘Carlos’.
The Solidando Film Festival is an international competitive festival of short films in different genres with social themes, including documentary, fiction and animation.
The 2016 edition of the event was held from 8 to 11 December in the Italian city of Cagliari.